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Após bullying, jovem com vitiligo supera preconceito no Instagram

Ela foi diagnosticada com a doença aos 12 anos de idade e sofreu muito no colégio, mas resolveu transformar o os comentários maldosos em arte

Por Redação VEJA São Paulo Materia seguir SEGUIR Materia seguir SEGUINDO
Atualizado em 16 mar 2017, 19h51 - Publicado em 16 mar 2017, 18h44

A jovem Ash Soto foi diagnosticada com vitiligo quando ela tinha apenas 12 anos de idade. Com a progressão da doença, ela começou a se sentir envergonhada — especialmente após sofrer bullying dos colegas de escola. Uma menina, inclusive, chegou a perguntar se ela tinha “tomando banho com cândida”. Quase dez anos depois, a mulher não só não tem mais medo de exibir a condição, mas se orgulha do quão única sua pele é.

No começo de sua adolescência, Ash decidiu que não deixaria a doença segurá-la. Aos poucos, ela começou a enfrentar os comentários negativos e criou carinho pela sua aparência. Como? Desafiando-se diariamente: um dia, ela precisava andar em público sem uma camiseta de manga longa. As aventuras progrediram e, hoje, ela transforma seu corpo em arte. “Eu nunca percebi o quão bonito o meu vitiligo era até eu circulá-lo com uma caneta preta. Isso realmente ajuda a realçar as diferentes cores da minha pele“, a jovem contou ao The Daily Mail.

Além dos contornos em preto e branco, Ash também já reproduziu obras de arte famosas em seu corpo, como Noite Estrelada, de Vincent Van Gogh. E se engana quem acha que ela pensa em parar de exibir as manchinhas: “O que alguns entenderiam como uma imperfeição, eu transformei em algo lindo e ainda mais aceitável do que antes“, explica. Confira: 

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The human body is the best work of art there is 🕊 I want to keep creating art for you angels, so I want to know what you'd like to see next? Give me suggestions and I'll choose the one I like the most and I'll do that one next ⭐️🎨

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Be your own kind of art and be unapologetically you. Don't ever be afraid to bare it all. If no one told you today, you're beautiful 🕊

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Starry night ⭐️✨⭐️ Remember you are MAGIC. Don't ever let anyone dull your sparkle. Let that sparkle from within shine brightly on the outside with confidence, self love, and positivity. Be proud to wear YOU #vitiligo 🌕

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I get stretch marks just like everyone else regardless of if I have a skin condition or not. I go through all the same struggles you all go through that's why I preach self love so much. I don't care if I have to repeat myself in every caption to love who you are regardless if you have tiger stripes, #vitiligo, or whatever the case may be. I'll sound like a broken record each time because at least someone reminded you to appreciate and love yourself unconditionally always 🎨🌎❤

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I accidentally deleted this picture while going through my feed, I'm actually so upset right now that I can't recover it, but this was #markerchronicles part 2 🖊 remember it doesn't matter what color you are, we're all the same on the inside, we're all equal. Don't let your skin tone define you, it's who you are on the inside that matters ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿 Black, white, or whatever skin tone you may have we are ALL BEAUTIFUL 🌎

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Marker chronicles pt 3 ⛓ Someone suggested I try using a metallic marker and it wasn't as effective as a dark one but still love it so much, also alot of you have been sending me pictures of your version of the marker chronicles and if you end up doing it please tag me in your pictures, I wanna see what kind of art you create 🖌choker – @xavthelabel plus you can get 25% off for cyber monday with the code 'bambi' 🙂 #vitiligo 🥀

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This was so much fun to do; finding little patterns and seeing that you truly are ART 🎨 It's like having natural tie-dye. I encourage everyone with #vitiligo or whatever you might have to find the positive in every situation and not let the negative thoughts cloud your mind. Remember #inourskinwewin 💫 Thank you to @vrfoundation_ for sending me this shirt, I appreciate it so much. And remember my angels self love is the best love you'll ever feel. I want all of you to be able to experience it. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing to push you to find that confidence ❤️ side note – it's not a tattoo, I traced my spots with a marker !

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