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Por que esta mulher usa o vestido de noiva todos os anos?

No Instagram, Samantha Burns revela por que veste a peça todo aniversário de casamento e diz que espera inspirar outras noivas com a história divertida

Por Redação VEJA São Paulo Materia seguir SEGUIR Materia seguir SEGUINDO
Atualizado em 24 ago 2017, 18h51 - Publicado em 24 ago 2017, 17h47
 (Reprodução/Instagram/Veja SP)
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Vestidos de casamento não são apenas roupas muito bonitas, mas também um investimento — que você provavelmente usará uma única vez em toda a sua vida. Não é o caso de Samantha Burns. No Instagram, a noiva revela que encontrou uma maneira divertida para “reaproveitar” a caríssima compra: todos os anos, no aniversário de casamento, ela tira a peça do armário e a usa em uma aventura diferente.

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Like zebras, we always have each other’s back. Like elephants, we have created a (Burns family) circle of trust. Like lover birds, we mated for life, get sad when we're apart, and sometimes feed each other. Like wild dogs, we work together to fight for what we want. Like giraffes, we speak our own language that no one else can understand. Like lions, we protect each other. Like gazelle and wildebeest, we communicate often. Like hyenas, we have created a cozy den together. Like lilac breasted rollers, both the male and female are vibrant and bold. And like baboons, we groom each other daily . How is it possible that life keeps getting better with this man? For our 3rd anniversary, he gifted me my lifelong travel dream—Africa. I recognize and deeply appreciate the years of grinding and hard work to make this dream come true. Whether on safari, tracking mountain gorillas, or just sitting on the couch, there’s no one I’d rather have by my side. I will love him in every state, country and continent, forever and always. P.S. many more Africa pictures and videos to come! . . . #lovesuccessfully #datingadvice #lovecoach #lovelessons #cutestcouples #couplesgoals #relationshiptips #qualitytimes #lovelanguages #mylovelife #lifepartner #truelovers #happyanniversary #weddinganniversary #coupleoftheyear #lifetogether #dateyourhusband #lovegoals #sayiloveyou #powercouples #hubbywifeytime #supportsystem #couplesofig #bettertogether #thatsmybestfriend #happycouples #iadoreyou #marriagelife #datingcoach #loveadvice

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Quando eu e meu marido nos preparávamos para finalizar as comemorações do nosso casamento, eu sabia que não queria tirar o vestido. Eu fiquei tão ansiosa para usá-lo e não podia acreditar que só pude vesti-lo por apenas algumas horas“, a jovem contou à publicação Brides.

A mulher, então, decidiu usá-lo todos os anos, até o momento que ele não servir mais. Um hábito que, ela admite, também serve para motivá-la a se manter ativa. “Eu me visualizei fazendo atividades que nós dois gostaríamos como um casal. Passeando por restaurantes, parques, sorveterias, usando meu vestido branco“.

Em 2015, Samantha foi jogar golfe, comer panquecas e fazer uma visita à loja de guloseimas usando o vestido de baile. Em 2016, a jovem aproveitou a oportunidade para fazer uma viagem surpresa para Boston, nos Estados Unidos. No dia 11 de agosto, a mulher celebrou o terceiro aniversário de casamento comendo tacos doces pra lá de deliciosos. “Ele ganhou algumas manchas na barra, mas eu prefiro isso do que deixá-lo em uma caixa, onde ele jamais verá a luz do dia“, conta sobre a peça. Confira:

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I told my husband that as long as I can still fit into my dress (fitness motivation 😉), I'll be wearing it each year on our anniversary and doing fun things in it that we enjoy as a couple! Last year it was golf, pancakes, and a candy shop in Cape Cod…this year we are currently in an Uber off to a surprise date in Boston! 👰🏻🏌💕 . @taylormadegolf @callawaygolf @titleist new bridal line!? . . . #marriedlife #mrandmrs #marriage #weddingdress #golf #weddinganniversary #relationshipgoals #marriagegoals #trulove #soulmates #couplesofinstagram #happywifehappylife #hubbywifey #husbandandwife #happycouple #wedding #couplesgoals #fitness #fitspiration #coupleswhogolf #swolemates #boston

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Woohoo, my article was featured in @brides on Tuesday and was their most popular post for the day! If you haven't read it, Google "Samantha Burns Brides" or it's called "Why This Bride Wears Her Wedding Dress Every Year." I've been getting really awesome comments on FB inspiring former brides all over the country to do the same! . . . #brides #lovesuccessfully #weddinganniversary #weddingdress #couplesgoals #igcouples #couplesofinstagram #relationshipgoals #anniversary #anniversaryweekendgetaway #anniversaryweekend #weddinggowns #mrandmrs #traditions #wifegoals #wifestyle #wifeyforlifey #wifeforlife #wifepoints #marriageadvice #couplestherapy #bride👰 #formerbride #weddingday #bridesmagazine #bridesmag

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Shout out to @ecboston for a fantastic way to celebrate a wedding anniversary on a weeknight! No better way to cruise #bostonharbor than with a sherbet sky and cotton candy clouds🌇! #odysseyboston got me all 💗💑💋💘 . . . . #happyanniversary #boston #mrandmrs #weddinganniversary #husbandandwife #happilyeverafter #happycouple #relationshipgoals #soulmates #lovebirds #hubbywifey #happywifehappylife #bostonblogger #truelove #loveyou #couplesofinstagram #forevertogether

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If you're new to my account, you may be wondering why I'm at @inapicklerestaurant eating pancake tacos 🥞🌮 in my wedding dress, but if you've be following along for at least a year you'll know that we have an anniversary tradition where I toss on my dress and celebrate our marriage by doing something fun (scroll back in my feed to find a video of me golfing in my gown 🏌🏼‍♀️👰🏻)! After reading about my tradition in @brides, tons of former brides reached out to me to share their own traditions and anniversary adventures. What do YOU do to celebrate!? . P.S. there were 3 delicious pancake tacos that came with the dish, the perfect way to symbolize our 3 sweet years of marriage! P.P.S. Thank you @_picturesitake.com_ for spontaneously coming out to capture our love for each other (and breakfast food)! . . . #lovesuccessfully #datingadvice #lovecoach #lovelessons #cutestcouples #couplesgoals #relationshiptips #qualitytimes #lovelanguages #mylovelife #lifepartner #truelovers #happyanniversary #weddinganniversary #coupleoftheyear #lifetogether #dateyourhusband #lovegoals #sayiloveyou #powercouples #hubbywifeytime #supportsystem #couplesofig #bettertogether #thatsmybestfriend #happycouples #iadoreyou #marriagelife #datingcoach #loveadvice

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Samantha espera inspirar outras noivas com a tradição divertida, acrescentando que ela também gosta de deixar o vestido exposto: “Eu sorrio quando passo por ele, a luz refletindo nas pedrarias, como se eles estivesse piscando para mim e dizendo ‘eu te vejo no ano que vem!’“, contou.

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