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Aos 43 anos, mãe de sete filhos conquista fãs como musa fitness

"Comece com uma mudança positiva na sua dieta ou se comprometendo a fazer uma quantidades de exercícios por dia"

Por Redação VEJA São Paulo Materia seguir SEGUIR Materia seguir SEGUINDO
Atualizado em 20 out 2017, 19h16 - Publicado em 20 out 2017, 18h22
 (Reprodução/Instagram/Veja SP)
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Mãe de sete crianças, Jessica Enslow já acumula mais de 66 000 fãs no Instagram. Aos 43 anos, a mulher está inspirando seus seguidores após sofrer com o peso ganho durante a gravidez. “Eu fiquei chocada ao ver quanta gordura ganhei após a minha primeira gestação. Lembro de chegar em casa do hospital esperando voltar aos meus jeans antigos, mas não conseguia passá-los pelas minhas coxas“, contou a mulher.

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Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁 …and to all a good night ✨🌙 #christmas2016 #merrychristmas #enslowfamilychristmas

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O choque aconteceu quando Jessica tinha apenas 20 anos de idade e estava grávida de sua filha mais velha, Alyssa, hoje com 23. Para voltar à boa forma, a mulher de Utah, nos Estados Unidos, usou DVDs com sugestões para exercícios físicos. Os filmes a ajudaram a recuperar o peso após dar à luz os primeiros filhos.

Apenas após a gestação do caçula, em 2013, que Jessica começou a atualizar seu Instagram com a rotina fitness da família. “Foi muito deprimente e eu não estava me sentindo bem comigo mesma. Percebi que o meu problema ia além da peso que ganhei por causa da gestação e tomei a decisão de começar a me exercitar regularmente“, a mulher contou ao The Daily Mail.

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MY FITNESS JOURNEY OVER THE PAST YEAR… This first pic shows the time from when I began training with @shaneheugly until today. While I still use his workouts as a basis for what I do now, since June, I’ve been eating intuitively and working out about 2 days a week instead of counting macros & working out 6 days a week. My cardio & weightlifting aren’t nearly as comprehensive. I’ve gotten a ton of questions about my @warriorfuel_supps #preworkout {CODE: jessicafit} that I take because I really feel like it’s given me a huge edge since decreasing my working out time the past 4 months by increasing my metabolism and controlling my appetite. I also have already experienced what working out the same amount of time or even more without taking it ended up like last year. I have put a timeline together of the last year or so and all the transitions and changes that have occurred with my body. Please feel free to ask any unanswered questions! 😘♥️ • • • • • • #macros #gymworkouts #fitover40 #fitness #fitnessjourney #weightlossjourney #bikiniprep #bikiniathlete #iifymgirls #momswholift #fitmoms #fitmums #fitmom #fitnum #utahfitfam #utah #beachbody #thesweatlife #fitnesswomen #workouttime #fitnesslifestyle #flashbackfriday #activeliving #girlsgonesporty #dreambig #staypositive #fbfriday #fitspiration #fitnessgoals

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#tbt re-creation pic 1995 vs 2017 & SEVEN KIDS LATER || This girl, @alyssa_kimber was the first one to make me a mama! ☺️👧🏼 Now she’s pretty much my swolemate, if you can call only working out 2 days a week swole anything 😂💗🌟 • • • • #throwbackthursday #bbgmom #mealprep #bbgcommunity #trainlikeagirl #utahfitness #utah #fitover30 #fitspo #fitness #bbgover30 #fitover40 #weightloss #bodyafterbaby #mombod #beforeandafter #stretchmarks #girlswhoworkout #fitnesstransformation #fitmom #fitmum #bbgbabe #bikinibody #warriorfuel #girlswithabs #pregnancy #postpartum #homeworkout #gymlife

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Agora, Jessica vai à academia frequentemente. Após a última gravidez, a mulher chegou a pesar 61 quilos, mas agora abaixou os ponteiros da balança para 52 quilos. “Após o meu segundo filho, eu já sabia o que me esperava, então não fiquei chateada ou deprimida. Eu sabia que eu precisaria me esforçar“, contou a mulher. Mas se engana quem acha que ela está satisfeita: “Eu ainda vejo falhas, mas eu amo balancear a minha vida em família com outros interesses. Não gostaria de passar horas na academia para ter o corpo perfeito e não ter nenhuma energia para aproveitar a vida com eles“.

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Whoever said a "pregnancy transformation" isn't a "REAL" transformation has probably never given birth🤷🏻‍♀️Not only does a woman's uterus stretch to 500 times it's pre-pregnancy size, then has to contract {often painfully} to shrink back down, but gaining weight to varying degrees usually comes with the territory too! I went HAM on eating my first pregnancy because I had NO IDEA my body would gain so much fat. I literally got home from the hospital and immediately put on my pre-pregnancy jeans only to find they wouldn't go any farther than mid-thigh 👌🏼This is when extreme fear 😳 & a little depression set in. 😭 It never occurred to me that my body wouldn't just bounce back in a New York minute. What have I learned about myself after giving birth seven times? 1. It's normal for your belly to feel like jello for awhile after birth. 2. I usually didn't feel like "myself" for about a year after giving birth 3. I always made it a priority to lose the "baby weight" before getting pregnant again 4. Every pregnancy is different for everyone. I felt very sick the first 3 months of each pregnancy, but this just made it too difficult to workout regularly & I ate All. The. Time. It was the only thing that actually seemed to help the nausea. I wasn't one of those "can't keep anything down" women; I was "what can I put down" to get rid of this horrible feeling in my gut? 😩 And it never totally helped, but it felt better than not eating, so I ate a lot. 5. Breastfeeding didn't help me lose weight. I personally dropped it faster once I quit. This may be different for everyone. 6. YES! You! ALL OF YOU that have given birth can be just as strong or stronger than before giving birth! Just stay consistent and if you fall off the wagon, just brush it off and get back at it as soon as you are able! 💪🏼😘 #flashbackfriday #bbgmom #mealprep #bbgcommunity #trainlikeagirl #utahfitness #utah #fitover30 #fitspo #fitness #bbgover30 #fitover40 #weightloss #bodyafterbaby #mombod #beforeandafter #girlswhoworkout #fitnesstransformation #fitmom #fitmum #bbgbabe #bikinibody #warriorfuel #girlswithabs #pregnancy #postpartum #homeworkout #gymlife #fbf

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Após o sucesso, ela deixou um conselho aos seguidores: “Comece por algum lugar: pode ser fazendo uma mudança positiva na sua dieta ou se comprometendo a fazer uma quantidades de exercícios por dia. O importante é se manter firme. Foi isso que me inspirou a dividir a minha jornada fitness no Instagram. Ficar em forma não é algo simples. Sempre haverão flutuações. É vital perceber que o seu peso ou composição de corpo não determinam o seu valor como pessoa“, diz a mamãe.

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FIVE RULES I've learned work best for my body to stay leaner without doing tons of cardio. 1. STOP eating when I'm SATISFIED not completely full. {I've done so much better at this than I used to!} 🙌🏼 It takes awhile for our brains to realize we are full, so eating slowly and making a conscious effort to stop when I feel satisfied has helped. 2. Make sure I'm eating plenty of protein at each meal, and make sure my carb sources aren't just empty calories, like soda or junk food. My go-to carbs are oatmeal, fruit and whole grain breads. 3. I keep snacking to a minimum. I may grab a bite or two of my kids white toast, fries or cereal, or have a few chocolate chips to satisfy my cravings, but if I am doing it because I'm hungry, that is where things can start to digress. I snack on jerky or protein chips if I truly need something to tie me over until my next meal. 4. I don't overindulge on cheat meals. Maybe once a week I'll have an appetizer and dessert, but I still always choose a healthier entree for my main course, like grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side or salmon. My metabolism just can't handle a burger, fries, milkshake, and dessert once or twice a week, unless I up my cardio and workout more! So during times like this, where I'm only making it into the gym about twice a week, I use my cheats on treats 🍩🍰🍪. 5. Taking my @warriorfuel_supps HERS #preworkout {code: jessicafit} every morning has seriously been a game changer for me. I know it helps control my appetite and increases my metabolism, but I still have to make sure I stick to the previous four things I've discovered more recently in my journey to keep the fat off! 💗

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WHY FAILING IS OKAY… I've failed at a million things in my lifetime. My first marriage, always being the best mom, many 7th grade track races, idk how many math tests 🙄 & most recently at becoming a bikini competitor by August. But what I've realized is that every disappointing turn isn't always wrong and the ones that are can be used to create a stronger, wiser and more refined YOU. Over time many of my weaknesses and failures have become strengths in one way or another. I always struggled in algebra, but in college I worked extra hard and got straight A's. My second marriage has been amazing. I didn't win a bikini competition, but hiring my coach has helped me learn how to keep my diet in check {and taking @warriorfuel_supps preworkouts has helped control my appetite as well! Code: jessicafit} so that I have (pretty close to) maintained my physique and I now know what foods to eat to get better results. What I love about where I am right now is that I feel good, healthy, & strong, mentally and physically. And best of all, I feel this is sustainable. I can spend time with my family and have energy to care for them. My body didn't respond well to 3-5 hour workouts 6 days a week. I kept getting sick. What I realize now is my family was getting neglected to some degree too and sometimes God has ways of redirecting us. So trust that things will be made right and ALWAYS listen to your intuitions! ❤️

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A felicidade não é completa baseada apenas em aparência física, então faça questão de nutrir o seu emocional e espiritual. Isso é tão importante, se não mais importante, do que todo o resto“, finalizou. Não à toa Jessica acumula tantos seguidores em tão pouco tempo, certo? Clique aqui para segui-la no Instagram. 

Dê sua opinião: E você, o que achou da “transformação” de Jessica? Deixe seu comentário e aproveite para curtir nossa página no Facebook!


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