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Fisiculturista choca seguidores ao mostrar “antes e depois”

"Eu faço esses posts sobre inchaço de vez em quando, mas os meus seguidores ainda ficam surpresos ao ver como minha barriga fica inchada"

Por Redação VEJA São Paulo Materia seguir SEGUIR Materia seguir SEGUINDO
13 dez 2017, 20h47
 (Reprodução/Instagram/Veja SP)
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Michelle Middleton é uma fisiculturista de sucesso que mora com a família em Portland, em Oregon, nos Estados Unidos. Em 2015, a mulher transformou sua rotina e corpo ao emagrecer radicalmente após abandonar exercícios aeróbicos e dietas radicais por levantamento de peso e uma alimentação balanceada. No domingo (10), a modelo compartilhou um clique que surpreendeu os mais de 100 000 seguidores que acompanham sua jornada fitness.

A mulher compartilhou no Instagram como consumir certos alimentos pode transformar seu tanquinho definido e uma barriga proeminente em questão de minutos. “Quando eu digo que eu fico inchada, eu fico inchada! Eu faço esses posts sobre inchaço de vez em quando, mas os meus seguidores ainda ficam surpresos ao ver como minha barriga fica inchada. Sim, eu fico inchada e isso acontece quando eu como certos alimentos“, revelou a fisiculturista em uma publicação que viralizou na internet. Confira o “antes e depois”: 

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When I say I’m bloated… I’m bloated 😂. I do these bloat posts every now and then but people still get surprised at how big my belly gets. Yes I get bloated and it happens when I eat certain foods. I pretty much know which foods are going to do it (high FODMAP) but sometimes I will eat it anyways 🙈. Like earlier I had Greek yogurt and I got bloated within a few minutes but the bloat only lasted for a few hours and now I’m back to normal 🤗. The foods that make me the most bloated are yogurts, protein powders, apples, pears, watermelon, broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus.

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BLOAT // I get bloated all the time 🙄. I pretty much know what foods are going to bloat me so it’s just a matter of if I care or not 😂. I followed #fodmap in the past to figure out what works or doesn’t work for me and it helped immensely. That’s why I recommend girls who tend to get bloated to try a low Fodmap diet. So don’t freak out if your bloated. It’s only temporary and will go away. Some tips I have for if your feeling bloated is a) drink lots of water &/or hot tea b) clean up your diet & avoid foods that you don’t digest well c) get your sweat on 💦. I always feel better after going to gym 😸. Hopefully these tips help! A few of you have also asked about water weight/retention and when I feel like I’m holding onto extra water I make sure to drink more water (when your dehydrated your body will hold onto more water), eat cucumbers 🥒 throughout the day (natural diuretic) or go sit in the dry sauna (after drinking a gallon of water that day). Oh another girl that gets super bloated is @jellydevote. Check her out… she gets it even worse then me 🙀 Shorts @paragonfitwear -MICHELLE for 11% off

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Eu sei quais comidas irão provocar esse efeito mas, as vezes, eu as consumo de qualquer maneira!“, revelou a mulher. “Por exemplo, mais cedo eu comi iogurte grego e fiquei inchada apenas alguns minutos depois — mas o inchaço só durou algumas horas e agora eu voltei ao normal“, relembrou. “As comidas que mais fazem com que eu inche são iogurtes, proteína em pó, maçãs, peras, melancia, brócoli, couve-flor e aspargos“.

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Same weight in both pictures. Glad to still see a good composition change even after gaining all the weight back 🙏🏼. Weight lifting does the body good🏋️💪🏼. I’m going to do chest with my roomie @nan_cia after work tonight so hopefully I’m able to have a workout video for you guys tomorrow. I have a new training split and I’ve never done anything like it before so I’m curious to see how it goes 🤔. Will keep you posted! ☺️. With my new nutrition plan I’ve been timing my meals lately which has really helped me not snack all day long. Im trying to eat around the same time every day so my body gets use to it. Then maybe I won’t be so all over the place with my hunger levels 😂. 15 more minutes till I can eatttttt 😋😋😋. For those that have asked … I’m 5’4 & 140lbs 1/2 Filipino 1/2 Caucasian (Dutch, German, Irish & Scottish) #transformationtuesday

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Na publicação, Michelle também revelou que normalmente consome alimentos de uma dieta que bane ingredientes como aspargos, aipo, milho, maçãs, peras, laticínios e a maioria dos produtos a base de trigo. O plano de alimentação é seguido por pessoas que sofrem com síndrome do Intestino Irritável ou outros problemas de digestão.

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A different kind of transformation for you this Tuesday 😊. So for some reason I got several messages yesterday asking about my transformation while on prep and what did I eat, how much cardio did I do, lifting, how long did it take etc. And I just wanted to clarify that you shouldn’t ever compare your fitness journey to someone who is doing a bodybuilding prep. Prep is SO extreme and not sustainable. Even I couldn’t keep my results 😂 (Left is me on prep and right is now). I went to the gym 2x a day. I did hours of cardio (hiit and steady state), hours of lifting, extreme dieting/meal plan, no rest days and little sleep EVERYDAY for months. I was constantly hungry & got sad and depressed a few times to the point where I would avoid any and all points of human contact. Even though I personally had a rough time doesn’t mean all competitors do but it is really tough nonetheless. I just don’t do well with diets and I’m still struggling with my nutrition on the daily. I’m trying to find some sort of balance of where I’m happy but can also eat for my goals. I’ve had several transformations in the past and while I’m proud that I was able to work hard and make that type of progress I wouldn’t recommend someone copying me trying to get those results. I just wanted to clarify that before someone either a) tries to do what I did or b) gets bummed out and thinks that’s what you have to do get results. It’s not. Just get your nutrition on point and train hard. If fatloss or weight loss is your goal then you need to be in a consistent caloric deficit over time. How you eat makes the biggest difference so focus on improving your nutrition first, then your training and after those two are on point you can add in a little bit of cardio. Some pages I recommend to those who want to learn more about nutrition and fitness is @soheefit @cartergood & @syattfitness

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A foto reverberou com muitas mulheres que, nos comentários, falaram sobre suas experiências com o inchaço: “Comigo também! É maluco como faz diferença comer certos tipos de comida. Eu sinceramente pareço 6 quilos mais gorda quando estou inchada — é uma loucura!“, escreveu uma seguidora. “Obrigada por compartilhar, os nossos corpos são estranho. Eu sofro quando o assunto são grãos, proteína em pó e muitos laticínios!“, compartilhou outra. 

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